Sunday, November 11, 2012

Praise & Worship

This morning (11/11/12) I had the honor and privilege to lead the congregation at New Hope Christian Church in the Praise and Worship service.  If you know me, you also know that this is something I do on a pretty regular basis.

Nineteen years ago I would have never imagined leading roughly 500+ people in a Worship service.  I was a car and shower singer what was God thinking!! He certainly had, and has, other plans. 

There have been many times in the worship services where Gods presence is felt, but today's time of worship was deeper and His presence was more palpable then ever before.  I was moved to tears (in the middle of a song which makes it kind of difficult to lead) but Gods presence and the movement of the Holy Spirit was just so overwhelming, it stopped me in my tracks and His love more me and I for Him just flooded my soul.

Why am I writing this down and telling the world?  I am doing it more for myself then anything because I want to remember how it felt and remember that we have been created to Worship and these are the encounters that He wants to have with us.

 My desire is that as I continue to grow as His child, in this calling,  that my life brings glory and honor to Him. Selah!

"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." (Deut. 6:5)
Word Lesson (just for fun) - Hebrew words for Praise = Yadah