Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Results Are In

In the last installment it was revealed that "The Drippy Diva" had a heck of September; a torn rotater cuff, a new mortgage and a cancer diagnosis.

Since then, she is still dealing with the shoulder, she is packing away the funds for the first mortgage payment, and cancer has been dealt with.

I am going to dive into my faith for a moment, if you will indulge me.
God has a way of working all things out, period.  In the whirlwind of receiving the diagnosis God was working overtime. To me it's overtime, to Him it's normal.  On a day where I was expecting a call date regarding pre-op testing the call was "there has been a cancellation, we can move your surgery up five days to 9/29."  My thoughts were, hold up, back up the truck! This throws a monkey wrench into the plans that I have made (you know God laughs at that kind of stuff) and now all sorts of calls and conversations need to happen.

After several calls to my husband, my mom, a hotel, and my wonderful boss Deb who said to do whatever I needed, the surgery was set and I was packing up my desk so I could work at home during recovery.  After all, my brains and hands were not broken, it's just below the waist that was out of order.

The Diva had to go to Boston immediately, that night, to get situated to be at the hospital for 8:00 am and then do a wonderful cleanse so there was room for them to fill me with air and make room for all those robotic tools. So I put on my big girl pants and headed to Brighton, MA all by my lonesome (for the time-being.)

Throughout all this, God was by my side.  God kept me safe and calm (as I drove to Boston, at night) and I knew whatever the end result was going to be it would be ok, regardless.

Fast forward to 10/13, my Disney loving Uber driver and great friend Rita and I headed up to Foxborough to hear the pathology.

My Surgeon/Oncologist walks in and delivers the news/results that was being prayed for by so many. Cancer was stage 1A, no spread, all contained, no further treatment besides a one month follow-up with him and 2 follow ups per year with my normal GYN for the next 3 years.

Rita cheered, I thanked God, and the very next words out of my mouth were, bring on Disney.

I am beyond blessed by all my friends and family who have reached out to me and who have cared for me in one way or another.  From the meals (thank you mom and work peeps), the cards, flowers, fruit, emails and texts, I am humbled. I could never thank you all enough.

I look forward to getting active again, as it has been a struggle. The activity restrictions after surgery are/were kind of strict.  My sister-in-sweat has been coming by my house to take me for little walks occasionally (like a dog minus the leash).  I can not go to far or too fast as soreness still presents itself if I over do it, but I am getting better day by day.  Thank you Kelly for your friendship, your prayrs and the laughter while we walked slower than turtles in mud. You are a blessing to me.

So that is all this drippy gal has for you at this time...I would say get me a towel, but the only reason I need one now is for the hot flashes.