Sunday, May 7, 2017

Full Exposure Disclosure

So my Sunday started off as a normal day.....

  • Roll out of bed, make sure the other half gets up and dressed, grab the prepared gym bag (prepped the night before) and out the door we go. 
  • Pull up to church 7:30/7:40 am shove my beloved out of the car - yell to him as he exists "now get out!"
  • Arrive at the place of no judgement - work out for the predetermined time - fulfill my roll as the #drippydiva, grab my gym bag and off to the locker room I go.
NOW....this is where things take a turn
  • Get in the stall, unzip the bag, mindlessly empty it, place soap and shampoo in the shower, return to the changing stall, hang clean clothes to jump into when complete
  • UNDRESS and put all sweaty clothes into plastic bag to contain the ungodly aroma of sweat
  • Here I am, in only my birthday suit then go to reach towel....
Yeah.....I totally forgot to pack a flipping towel.  How the heck did I forget to pack a towel?!?!

So I apologize to all people I came into contact this morning at church for my offensively nasty hair and the possible odiferous aroma that may have accompanied me.

LESSON:  double check your gym bag before you leave the house