Friday, November 4, 2016

Having a Heat Wave A Tropical Heat Wave

Irving Berlin wrote the song back in 1933 and Marilyn Monroe sang it..

We're having a heat wave
A tropical heat wave
The temperature's rising
It isn't surprising, I certainly can-can!
You are probably thinking "What?  We are in November..there are no heatwaves happening here." Wrong!  The Drippy Diva is experiencing her own, internally generated, nuclear level, power surges/hot flashes, tropical heat waves.

The reason she is sharing this is the drippy one has begun increasing her activity level once again.  It has been a long 5 weeks since surgery and she can no longer wait.  In a brief moment of downtime she had this week, the drippydiva hit the gym sans sister-in-sweat and boarded a "dreadmill". Yes, "dreadmill".  She would rather walk outside, but now that it is getting darker earlier we are all being forced to move our activity indoors.

While sweating makes one feel gross, there are many benefits.
-Boosts endorphins and helps to alleviate pain..
-Detoxifies the body..
-Sweat generates a natural antibiotic, such as dermcidin, to help cure any surface injuries we may have..
-Lowers kidney stone risk..
-Helps to prevent colds and other illnesses..
-Zaps zits..
-It's happy juice for the brain..
-And sweating is our own personal HVAC system..

Yeah, sweat is good for us, we might not like it but such is life.

This has been a public service announcement from the sweaty one. Now get movin' and do your body some good!

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