Friday, September 9, 2022

I am back and boy things have changed

Sorry for my absence - It’s been awhile and a lot has changed in life.

The last you heard from me I was planning on participating in 2018 miles in 2018.  Which I completed.  My husband and I ran in the 2018 participated in the Disney Princess 10k (which I also finished) other than that it was a quite for the first 6 months of 2018 then BAM! Big life decision happened.

After helplessly watching my weight climb, even though I was eating properly, exercising and doing everything right I made a decision to investigate Bariatric surgery.

My past medical history and co-morbidities were in control, however my weight had become a constant issue and had to be dealt with.  An appointment to meet a bariatric surgeon - Anthony McCluney, MD - Assistant Director, Steward Center for Weight Control was made.

Dr McCluney asked me one simple question, why did I wait so long.  I was knocking on the door to age 50 and how many more years was I going to keep doing what I was doing a try, fail, try, fail, try and fail yet again.  I told him that I wanted to try to do it on my own, and his reply was “and how is that working out for you?”

Harsh, right?  Nope...exactly what I needed to hear.  He was right.  I have battled my weight for a lifetime and always ended up back to where I started with another failed attempt.

I took all the information he gave me, and a list of lab work in case I decided to go forward and made the decision to go forward.

I will stop here and continue next week on another episode of as the stomach turns....

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