Thursday, May 3, 2012


My husband and I will be going on a cruise this summer with a wonderful couple. We met Paul and Denise at church and God has turned a casual relationship into a bonafied friendship.  Today, I made my final payment on the vacation invoice so now we look forward to waiting for vacation to come where the 4 of us will be spending time (7 days) laughing, relaxing, exploring and feasting together.

Then I thought about how Jesus paid another type of invoice. 

Because He loves us, Jesus paid for the sins of the world, for you and me, with his life (John 3:16)so we can spend eternity with Him.  When we leave this world and arrive in Heaven we will all be together again with Him in heaven enjoying the company of good friends worshiping God, laughing, relaxing, and enjoying the wedding supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:7).  Now THAT is going to a destination and a meal I am going to love!!

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