Friday, August 19, 2016

How Did This Happen?

I was doing laundry a few weeks back I was mindlessly sorting, washing and folding. When I went to put the clothes away I realized there was a drawer of workout clothes.."how did this happen?" I thought to myself.

So lets back up to Thanksgiving 2015.

My husband and I were at the dining room table of my sister from another mother.  We had just consumed a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings.  All parties were full and no one had fallen into the "turkey coma".  Kelly made a comment that she would like to start working out because she wanted to improve her health.  I opened my trap, a.k.a. my mouth, and piped up saying "I have a membership at Planet Fitness.  If you want to go try it out and see if you like it we can meet up there one day and workout." That was the statement that got this whole ball rolling.

I've had a membership there for many years and went occasionally when feeling up to the challenge of trying to get fit.  Visiting PF is not uncomfortable as they are a "judgement free", although what to wear to the gym was a nightmare.  

I normally want to wear long shirts to cover all my rolls and more importantly cover "Bertha". 

Yes, I have named the fat apron that is located on the front of my body Bertha.  She is a constant inconvenience and should have her own zip code.  Let's face it we all have problem areas, mine span between my neck to my knees but more precisely there is more belly than butt, which makes the lower hemisphere of my frame the issue.  Anyhow back to the story...

We visited together, Kelly liked it, we made a commitment that if she joined we would workout a few times a week. 

I only had one pair of workout leggings and a couple of 5x t-shirts that were huge, long, covered everything I needed covered and also took care of hiding the bat wings better know as my "second wave".

Side note...why do we call the clothing we place on our bottom half "a pair?"  Granted I am big enough to wear 2 but heck, I am only wearing one garment, but I digress.

This is what I was going to have to wear to cover up this bohemith size body due to my embarrassment of Bertha and my other unattractive bits.  After a few weeks I found that I could no longer handle these long t-shirts as they were heavy got in the way.  

Side note, I sweat like a nervous bride so these shirts would also keep the heat in and cause me to sweat even more. #drippydiva party of one.

  This began the quest to find clothing that I could wear that would cover my ample tummy and yet be cool enough to work out in.  It started with sports bras because I only had one, then it was tank tops, shortly thereafter I progressed to workout skorts instead of leggings for these summer months.

Before I knew it I had workout clothes.  Thank goodness because I needed them and use them three times a week.

The moral of this story is....heck, there is no moral.

I have a drawer full of workout clothes!

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