Monday, August 22, 2016

It's a Colorful World

This past weekend I participated in the ColorVibe 5K event in Seekonk, MA at the Seekonk Speedway.  The charity supported by this event was the Ronald McDonald House.

A group of ladies from the FB group Stronger Together participated, Kelly Coury, Donna Drew, Lisabeth Dion, and yours truly.

We arrived at the Speedway at 7:00 am dressed in white ensembles and were ready to roll. Registration took place and we hung out waiting for the event to begin.  While lingering we watch many people of different shapes and sizes file in all sorts of attire.

Around 8:15 am a Zumba class started.  Let me tell you, when I grow up I want to be as fit as those instructors.  Wholly Macaroni!  It was a warm morning and those ladies were tearing it up.  God Bless them!

If you would have told me 9 months ago that I would be participating in a Color Run/Vibe event I would have told you "you are nuts!"  But low and behold, here I was standing around with 1000+ other people waiting to get colorized.

The run kicked of at 9:00 am and the four of us started together in the second wave of runner/walkers.  I must admit it was a neat experience to run through a cloud of colored pink dust.

We trekked 3.1 miles through the property area of the Speedway.  Who knew they has so much land!  I started running and ending running, but in the middle I walked.  The land was not flat with lots of places anyone could have sprained an ankle.  You all know me, I am as graceful as a cow on crutches.

Donna Drew lead the pack and the rest of us walked together at points in time.  When it was all said and done we all finished the race colorful as could be. Kelly crossed the line multiple times for fun and celebratory purposes.

We thank Mark Lambert and Kaycee Lowengrub for coming out to support us.  Thank you Mark for the crossing line pictures.

Moral to the story...

My friends, Henry Ford said this
You will never conquer a goal you don't set for yourself, no one can do it for you.

The good news is if you set your mind to achieve a goal and do everything in your power to attain it, you WILL do it.  We live in a "microwave society" we want it now.  Listen. the timing may not always be what we want it to be, but DO NOT give up.

Quitters never win and Winners NEVER quit.

This is #thedrippydiva signing off.   Someone get me a towel...... 

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